Bloggers Award : Finalist

I never feared writing a piece worth reading because I believed in writing away my fears. 

It is easy to jump into something you are good at. But it is a delight to evolve something irregular about yourself into good. My father helped me write my Independence day speech in my school days. And after that, on every other occasion he encouraged me to write by myself. I thought I was good in elocutions and storytelling but what I never noticed then was the story curator in me. And with time and hobby moments I realized what I was actually good at and what I must be learning ahead. 

Womens Web conducted a bloggers award. And after voting and jury decision I’ve been selected as a finalist under two award categories. For all the voters, well wishers & of course my secret admirers I’d be thankful for life. Because it’s not about the outcome but the support I received. This will encourage me to write more and learn as well. 

Have a happy new year & reading. 🌻

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