What made you what you are today?

I failed to notice the dark clouds which were all storming towards me. While I was busy celebrating the light, suddenly the smoke was everywhere making it difficult for me to breathe.

No there weren’t any stars visible in the dark which those inspirational quotes claim about. An unwanted and unexpected moment not willing to pass at all. I was confused.

I asked myself that were my eyes even open because I couldn’t see anything. Though I could feel something surrounding me with all the bad vibes.

I could hear it cursing with a promise that it won’t leave me for a long time now. And will stay and make things difficult for me everyday for many more days ahead.

But right when I was about to give up I reflected upon myself & my journey so far. I realised that I have always been moulded by those who built me as well as the ones who have broken me. These days shall pass too. And it will again mould me into something new.

So what made you what you are today?

A modern way to say grace : Click a picture of Food


IMG_0344.JPGMonkey vs Generation

Is it true that humans don’t pray to God before eating anymore but take pictures of food instead?

On my visit to one City, a lady at the cafeteria laughed out loud at the sight of me. And it was obvious because monkeys appear funny to humans. Little did she know that I was not dancing but trolling over her husband’s Instagram dedication. I was also wondering if he had taken any efforts to wash his hands before eating.

A modern way to Thank God for the food they eat. And whom do they pray to? Social Media!

By the time they click and upload the picture, if the food is cold then anything on the table isn’t worthy. If there are food bloggers and also those who want to share the yum-yum with others things are justified because that’s a quick art. But there’s a time and place for everything right?



Any way! When I see food, I eat food. See you!

Vipassana Retreat : Power of isolation. 

With my first Vipassana retreat I tasted silence and solitude. Several months before I moved from Mumbai to Uttarakhand to find some peace. To escape the regular life and contribute in the rural community. While I worked between the cold & misty mountains I decided to travel to Jaipur for a Vipassana course. Not only for meditation but in search of some answers to my misery. And look where I found the key, within myself. 
Dhamma Thali Vipassana Centre demands us to remain silent for 10 days, without talking to anybody one must meditate the whole day, eat plain food & isolate itself deeply. 

Being a proportionate explorer I could see myself getting down in life after seeing the mess in myself. 

It wasn’t that easy because just like some, I am a complicated person with tangled cycle of thoughts. I have always been writing stories and verses to entangle my own miseries. But here I learned to accept the same without giving any feeling or any label of craving or aversion. 

Yes! I felt like running away the very next day. The first few days was a jail experience. If I knew I could then I would have surely left the place. 

I had several people around me who followed the course rules of not even passing gestures to each other. Disconnecting myself from everyone and technology was not difficult but being unable to share the outbreak made me feel weak. Who knew it was making me strong. I kept smiling because I wanted the same to reflect between the people in the same journey. And started stitching stories inside my mind. 

Unfolding some tales turned unnecessary. The baggage of this untold experiences ain’t heavy either. 

Letting go of many unwholesome beliefs and habits that had set boundaries, one becomes aware of the body and the mind. Mostly the interaction between the two. Because we are usually busy distracting ourselves so we can’t see or readily face some difficult truths about life and death, joy and suffering, karma and chaos etc. 

This will change – This is what I learned, experienced & will follow that nothing is permanent. And also that I am not going to perform any good only for others to think I’m good. But for myself to feel good. 

The experience is different for everyone. Some take a dive into deep peace, some barely are able to get the hang of it. But this course isn’t demanding. It believes in giving to all those who can accept. I did and I’m happy. I suggest you all the same. 

The best stories will be curated when you will have no pen or paper on you.  
Have a happy reading & meditation. 🌻

Sleep talking secrets!


People can hardly pretend or lie in their sleep. Often the habit of sleep talking reveals the underlying truth of a person’s life. It discloses many interesting facts which are either sweet or bitterly sour.

The best part about someone sleep talking next to you is an easy understanding about what the person feels for you. Or how deeply a person feels about something.
Though the saddest part is coming across those facts which are not going to help you and also affect your emotions, diversely.

Have you ever heard anybody sleep talking? I know it is difficult to understand what the person is murmuring. Sleep talking is connected to what a person does throughout the day and where their mind was largely occupied into.

Here are some examples :

These people usually tend to extend the incomplete conversations of the day. Whatever they were involved into, their imaginary process repeats the same in their mind while they are asleep.
In such cases the person would only speak those things which they must have not spoken while awake.

Sometimes they reveal hidden truths upon asking as well. Try this if you want to involve some fun but I would suggest you to be careful if you are not good at accepting and handling truths.

There is a certainty of a person waking up to your questions immediately or upon them responding to your questions unknowingly too. That is an effective signal. A person will wake up with a sudden reaction only when they are aware that they don’t have to reveal certain things before you, either good or bad. They panic or pretend to not have understood what you asked, if they wake up after answering you something that you must have found weird. There lies the secret. It could be anything, a surprise planned for you, their personal issues, their plans etc.

If the person happens to be your partner, the sleep talks are either cheat-talks or love-talks. 

Don’t believe me? Try it on your family members, friends or partner.
It could be fun but be careful.

( Do you write? Follow me on instagram @tfu__ Submit your entries and get published on our networks )

Have a happy reading & writing.

Read humans too!


I chose reading because imagining is fun. Every word carved within those respective papers is more defining that any movie. I get an opportunity to live someone else’s life mentally and the experience is everlasting.

Let’s get back to my microtale above.
Would I be rightful to anybody’s feelings, if I am not willing to understand or reciprocate ?

No! Because it’s just like carrying a big fat novel to read without any attemp or intension to read. 
I am not discussing mind-reading here,  but largely about reciprocating to someone’s feelings or expectations willing.

Why? Because all this while you were reading a book and a story that belongs to someone else. Life gives you opportunity to read a person who belongs to you. You can bring about necessary changes to it, no you can’t erase anything but begin a new chapter any moment.

While you read books, read humans too.

Have a happy reading! Take care 🙂